A Timeless Quote

A Timeless Quote

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Mark Shonka

Mark Shonka Mark Shonka

One of my all-time favorite quotes was shared with me by IMPAX Founder and good friend Dave Matlow. The quote is from Woody Allen, who said, "80% of life is just showing up". Never has this been truer than in this day and age, where there are many ways to communicate that have nothing to do with being together. I know that there are some great productivity tools out there that can help save us time and money, but I also know that there are times when nothing can come close to the impact of being there.

In sales, the reliance on email, web meetings and video conferencing is an interesting (and possibly dangerous) trend. We are starting to see people differentiate themselves by using the phone instead of email and by simply showing up.

This week I had a chance to join 2 different clients at their national/international sales meetings. What I gained by being there, from the relationship building, the stories and anecdotes and the new opportunities, was priceless. Not to mention the fact that these meetings were fun. And selling is supposed to be fun right?!

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