CRM Integration Support

CRM Integration Support


Integrating the sales process into your CRM can be difficult. Challenges that range from having too many owners, to software constraints, to a lack of previous integration experience, can arise during the process that create a less-than-ideal outcome. 

IMPAX is here to help with CRM integration support. Whether you're working on a new installation or renovating an existing instance, IMPAX can help guide your CRM project to align with your sales process and available tools. Together, we can put ownership firmly in the hands of sales and create a simple, effective, and more predictive system.

After completion of the CRM Integration service, your management team will have better visibility into sales opportunity tracking, quality of work, use of the sales process and the viability of opportunities. At the representative level, we'll create a simple tracking system and valuable tools to help them work their territory effectively, prioritize and allocate their time, and drive improved outcome per effort.

Interested in learning more? Check out our whitepaper on integrating the IMPAX process into CRM.

Read The Whitepaper

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