Sales Tip: Opportunity Identification Research
Sales Tip: Opportunity Identification Research
In our roles as sales and account management professionals, we pursue opportunities reactively and proactively. Sometimes our pipelines are so full that our biggest worry is assessing opportunities to uncover the ones most worth pursuing. Sometimes the cupboard is bare, and we have way too few opportunities to try to win.
In this situation, we likely have the uncomfortable realization that we will not be able to hit our target with what is currently in the pipeline. When there is not enough in the pipeline, we have four options:
- We can hope for a bluebird – an unexpected, game changing opportunity.
- We can wait for a surprise RFP.
- We can try to convince ourselves that we will somehow close all the opportunities we have (when our actual close rate is far from 100%).
- We can get out and do our opportunity identification research.
In reality, number four is clearly our best option. So, how do we best do opportunity identification research?
- Show up. There is no substitute for showing up. By being present, we can observe what is happening in the business and department.
- Meet (and meet with) more people. By casting a wide net, we can learn from more people.
- Ask subtle questions. With people we do not know well, we can ask more subtle questions, like:
- How will your situation be different over the next year or two?
- What other projects are you working on now?
- What are the key initiatives your department is focusing on this year and next?
- Ask direct questions. When talking to a coach, we can ask very direct questions, like:
- What work are you currently doing/planning to do with our competitors
- What business could we compete for that we are not being considered for now?
- If we could develop a strong business case to shift some work from our competitor to us, to whom should we present this case?
- Better understand the current environment. By doing some additional research, you could identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies that the customer themselves may not be aware of and that you may be able to resolve.
In most situations, if we want to add to our pipeline, there is no substitute for showing up.
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